Realistic Vibrator
Women will now get erotic sensations from the realistic vibrator. The toy sends patterns of vibrations that trigger the orgasm making the session highly erotic. This vibrator has a phallic shaft that penetrates, giving women an unmatched level of pleasure.
The phallic shaft with bulging veins and a bulbous head gives it a much more realistic look. The veins and head give sensual pleasure to women.
A powerful vibrator is placed in the shaft that provides vibrational sensation in the vagina. This vibrator gives the joy of penetration and vibration at the same time. The toy runs on battery giving pleasure for long hours.
The vibrator has multiple vibrating patterns, which makes the masturbatory sessions highly erotic.
The best thing about this toy is that it has a non-toxic body. It is composed of premium-quality silicone, which makes it ideal to use. The realistic vibrator scores high on durability and flexibility.
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